Weekly Averages ~ Time: 1:34:23 Distance: 8.94 mi. Vertical: 1,716 ft.
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Great Job on the new PR 5k: 22:38 |
Scott's Question Answered:
I Know The Goal Is Not To Get Hurt, But...
Sunday, August 07 ~ Marymoor Park ~ Rock-Climbing
Distance: n/a
Vertical: n/a
Some rock climbing post-work and to start the week off. I think I really need to run in the morning on Sunday's, just something easy so that Monday's aren't such a shock to the body.
Monday, August 08 ~ Snoqualmie Pass ~ Pratt Trail to Rainbow Lake
Time: 2:16:54
Distance: 11.65 mi.
Vertical: 3,409 ft.
Mountain Run Monday sucked. I know of no other adjective to describe the disappointment. I planned 3 hours and only managed 2:15. Sure I took on 3400' of vertical gain, but the true culprit: less than 2.5 hours of sleep last night. I just couldn't sleep. I finally dazed off around 1:00 AM, but was up at 3:00 AM. I just had nothing left to lull myself into 3 hours of running. The views were cloudy, but the Alpine Lakes were good on the eyes, just not energizing. I need a better sleep schedule prior to these runs.
Tuesday, August 09 ~ Cougar Mtn. & Squak Mtn. ~ Wilderness Peak + Central Peak
Time: 1:46:57
Distance: 8.36
Vertical: 2,720 ft.
I'm noticing a trend, long runs on Monday have felt not so great, but the next day I feel great. No change today. I think it's the two days off prior to the long run and my body complaining about the rest. Whatever. Today felt great. Managed 2700' of vertical gain, ran with my new running pack, took lots of pics.
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Wednesday, August 10 ~ Cougar Mountain ~ De Leo Wall + Long View Peak + Wilderness Peak
Time: 1:31:16
Distance: 7.98 mi.
Vertical: 1,686 ft.
Usually I take Wednesday's as a recovery day, but I just felt good today, so I ventured into the my backyard mountain (Cougar Mtn.) and just ran. Legs were fatigued on some of the climbs, but I hit a solid 1600'+ of vertical gain in 8 miles and felt well through-out the run. Heart rate was at little higher than usual, but three days of good vertical and 30 miles will do that. Tomorrow will be a mandatory easy/recovery day. Beautiful day in Washington: 60 F, mostly sunny, and low humidity, by the way.
Thursday, August 11
Time: 1:30:01
Distance: 10.20 mi.
Vertical: 406 ft.
Recovery Run. Um, the self-enforced mandatory recovery run, today, went like this: wake up, damn my glutes and hamstrings are sore, lets run 30 min., maybe 45 min., 30 min. of running warmed me up, my form felt spot on and my heart rate was easily controlled, so I just kept running. If I didn't have to work I may have gone for another 1:30. Probably better I stopped.
Friday, August 12 ~ Off day ~
Time: n/a
Distance: n/a
Vertical: n/a
I took on a 10 hour work shift today with the idea that I could get a work out in while I worked, nothing intense, just something to give my legs some fatigue without running. So, I stood for the majority of the 10 hours and noticed that by the end I had some pretty tired feet. I consider it a good training/rest day.
Saturday, August 13
Time: 0:46:44
Distance: 6.5 mi.
Vertical: 361 ft.
Tempo(ish) Run. Road. I had no plans of a running anything remotely close to a faster paced, quicker leg turn-over, etc., run tonight. Yet, after 1/2 mi. I found myself running somewhat towards the sunset, my feet rhythmically tapping the concrete trail, and my breathing adding a syncopated bass beat that continuously reminded me that I've lost the sensation of what it means to run on the road. Partly my fault. But the run was relaxed, faster than I normally run, but it felt well, and importantly, repeatable. Interesting end to a great week.
How do you like that REI Stoke 19 backpack? I've been thinking about getting one for fast hiking and trail running.
Ian, It's great if you need to carry just a hair more. Otherwise, I'd recommend looking at the Gregory Diablo. Although, as of now I'm purely using UltrAspire Spry. Close to your body, and can pack everything you need for a run.