Saturday, July 14, 2012

June 8 - June 14: The Importance Of A Runner's Ego

Weekly Totals, Time: 5:45:12 Distance: 27.47 mi. Vertical: 7,582 ft.
Weekly Averages, Time: 1:26:18 Distance: 6.87 mi. Vertical: 1,896 ft.
A an easy week to rest the legs. Had lots of time to repair any damage I've managed to accumulate during the past month. On average, I generally hit about 27,000 ft. of vertical in a month. Last month, June, I tallied 40,000+ ft. I felt great for all of it, and I hope that after a 'rest week' I'll be able to get back on the vertical train and ride it home through August. All of the down-time made my legs a bit restless, and I had trouble sleeping. One night I managed a grueling 60 minutes of ZZZ's and then had to get up. The weather sprawled with delight and I took a 'break'. Ugh. At least I had time to write:

Ran into Mike V. on Squak Mtn.

Hmm, a 30' cliff.

One of the single-most important aspects of this blog, for me, is that it's my training journal. It's a bit wordy, sometimes confusing, and fairly egotistical. But I think having some type of medium to brag about yourself, and have a record of the "ups-and-downs," is the crux and often a missing link in most runner's training regimes. I don't think every one needs a blog, but patting yourself on the back and being comfortable that others have the opportunity to rubberneck is valuable...and we don't always like to admit it:
  • Every gym runner does this: You get on the treadmill next to someone that appears to be showing off, or less fit than yourself, and you intentionally increase your speed so you're running faster. No shame.
  • Every trail runner does this: You catch a glimpse of someone ahead of you running in the same direction and you slow down to catch your breath just enough so that when you pass that sorry son-of-a-bitch he wants to stop and walk. No shame.
  • Every road runner does this: You pass a building that has reflective windows and instead of looking where you're going you casually glance, out of the corner of your eye, at your reflection in full stride, subtly pulling your stride length in to make sure that the only memory the window will have of you is perfect form. No shame.
  • Every barefoot/minimal runner does this: You run in the most crowded places so that people can see you're different, that you're more pure, more in-touch with 'our' ancestors. You didn't give in to cooperate sabotage by using 12mm heel-to-toe drop, injury causing, shoes. Nope; you only paid the same price, $100+. No shame.
Now, I understand there are some of you reading this, a cup of java, or a pint of brew close-by, that are thinking, "I don't do any of that." One phrase, for you: "Every runner does this. No shame. " We can title our "self-motivation", psychological egoism. At the roots an ego, in running, is healthy. Obviously there are limits, but running is entirely a selfish mainspring. The more you value your perceived potential the further your potential is extended. It's the deepest of motivations that enable the runner to step forward again, and again. Share your ego with the world and run free. 

Have some examples of egotistical running acts that you've done, or know of someone doing? Facebook Page.

Rattlesnake 1/2 Marathon
Joe G. and I pre-race

Joe G. running away from me. I'm an intimidating person.
Eric S., TransRockies teammate

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