Weekly Totals, Time: 9:45:56 Distance: 49.89 mi. Vertical: 9,252 ft.
Weekly Averages, Time: 1:23:42 Distance: 7.13 mi. Vertical: 1,322 ft.
After last week's 7-day vertical 'PR' -why do I(we) have such obsession over stats?- I thought I'd take it easy for a few days. Turns out, I only needed one off day, and truthfully, I'm not sure I needed to take the day fully off. I don't know, I'm 50/50 on the idea of not taking any days off. I lean more towards the idea that walking for 20 minutes is far more beneficial than a complete rest day. At the same time, however, I feel great most of the time after a full days rest. After two full days I feel awful. My legs are heavy, my mind is lazy, and my body takes forever to warm-up. Why? Don't know. So, I only allow myself one day off. Got to do what works best for you. No secret equation. Running is simply: experiment, review, repeat.
I've been pondering a few thoughts during my running lately:
1) When is it going to be light after 8 PM? Officially, this happens on April 16 in Seattle, Washington. But I get off at 8 PM most evenings, so the trails are dark by the time I trek the 10 miles from work-to-home-to-playground. Maybe the better question is, "When is it going to be light enough to run the trails sans headlamp after work?" <err, too long of a question> "Why do I concern myself with what I can't change?" <definitely more apropos.> Well, a bit more research reveals, June 4th is my predicted answer. Full moon and official sunset time: 9:01 PM. Who wants to do a 'not so' dark night trail run with me? Seriously, leave me a comment and lets set something up. We can get all Shakespeare and make t-shirts that say, "A Midsummer Night's
Dream Run"
Shakespeare had to have been a runner. That guy(s) <controversy> was weird as hell. I wonder what kind of shoes Shakespeare would wear? Do you think he would run barefoot? Would Romeo & Juliet have been something other than a Shakespearean tragedy?
2) Are there really any 'normal' runners? Yeah, yeah everyone is special, but sometimes I feel like my thoughts would be best narrated by
Roald Dahl, one of
Jack Robert Thompson's sons, and
Alice Liddell. The conversation would be fungic drollery. <outside-the-box use of that adjective>
3) <Think
Paula Cole> "Where have all the
Ariolimax columbianus gone?" Stepping around those little forest floor scavengers make for a great technical footwork on the trail.
I can't explain why I've been having these thoughts lately, but I do know that they fit my self-image of my psyche.
Ugh, I should post some pictures soon. Until then, here's a video I made about the final miles of a trail runner's first 50k. It could not have been scripted any better. Just complete honesty. We've all been there. Big congrats, to
Jamey B. for his accomplishment. All music is by
Ravin' wolf
April 08, Time: 2:59:15 Distance: 11.45 mi. Vertical: 3,712 ft.
Recovery Run. Double summits of West Peak, single summit of Central Peak. First ascent and descent I ran solo from SR 900 to May Valley TH, by way of West Peak. 53 min., total. Remaining miles, I picked up two great guys that wanted to experience Squak Mtn. We mostly hiked up the steep inclines and jogged the 'flats' and downhill. Always pleasant to slow things down and take-in the sights and sounds of what I usually speed past. 3 hours of running, not too shabby for an 'off day.' My left hip is hurting quite a bit, though, from last Wednesday's Chirico descents. Nothing to worry about, yet.
April 09, Time: 1:00:37 Distance: 6.26 mi. Vertical: 1,983 ft.
Tempo Run. Cruised the ascent in a good effort. 3 summits in 24hrs definitely took some pep out of my motivation when I was hurting...need to work on mid-effort confidence. Not my fastest ascent, but it'll do. 13,700' of climbing in the past 7 days and a good effort, I'm not disappointed. However, the three guys ahead of me crushed me, haha. Congrats to them.
April 10, Time: 0:41:09 Distance: 4.55 mi. Vertical: 37 ft.
Recovery Run. Legs are feeling good. A great group to run with.
April 11, Time: Distance: Vertical:
April 12, Time: 0:59:33 Distance: 8.93 mi. Vertical: 233 ft.
Run #1:Recovery Run. Slowed down to enjoy the amazing weather, this morning. Blue skies above me and a halo of dark storm clouds over the Olympics and over Mount Rainier. Fantastic run into work. Tired of the road, however.
Run #2:Tempo Run. Started the evening planning on an easy 5 mile jaunt and decided that I was feeling great, so I picked up the pace and intensity each mile. Unfortunately, my stomach didn't like the food I ate right before I ran. Running too long under 6:02 min./mi. pace and the bathroom was making alarming calls...weird. Beautiful sunset. The fiery orange of a west coast sunset cascading over the tall silhouette of the Olympic Mountains, perfect. Tired of the road.
April 13, Time: 2:13:56 Distance: 10.00 mi. Vertical: 881 ft.
Recovery Run. The usual lake run was interupted by curious minds. Debbie O. lead us there some unexplored trails that felt more like bushwhacking than running at times, but we found some great trails and will definitely be back to explore more. An odd run into a 'religious' institution that felt more like Silence of the Lambs than hopeful. Definitely will be back to explore more. Hattori's are Saucony's best shoe ever. Love these things.
April 14, Time: 1:51:25 Distance: 8.69 mi. Vertical: 2,406 ft.
Run #1: Commute home from work.
Run #2: Filming/pacing
Jamey B.